Island is a river or lake which evolutionary day by day. It is like a natural beauty. Island consist cold water. Many country have many islands like (Germany, Singapore, etc.). Island have many type (continental, desert, oceanic ,tropical ). Some ...
Billion Essays Latest Articles
Importance of gift
ayeshaGift is very decisive part in life because people can easily express the fleeing though gift. If someone anger with family on this time gift like a key for happiness. Gift have many time like (cash gift, jewelry etc.). First ...
Jurassic park
ayeshaJurassic park is a 1993 American movie. It based on the novel Michael Crichton published in 1990.Jurassic park is dinosaur movie.
Murder is a very bad thing
faridYes murder is bad and it is something which done by breaking the law. It is the condition when you deprive another person of the basic right to live and breath in this beautiful world.
By Punishing Murderers with the death penality,socity is also guilty of committing murder,therefore life in prison is a better punishment for murderers
samra tufailMurder is a crime so definitely proper rules should be made for prevention of these kinds of crimes and there should be proper implementation of those rules. as the statement is explaining about murder and its punishment and what social ...
Santa Claus and Christmas
MurtazaIt is a joyful, peace loving, mythical character in christen community that is associated with Christmas. Traditionally he posses to be an old man with red clothes white beard and sometimes glasses, who is known to give gifts to children ...
Ferrero Rocher
samra tufailFerrero Rocher is a name of chocolateh nuts which is enriched with nuts wafer,cream,sugar milk etc covered with golden paper having alot of calories.many people like chocolates not only it famous among kids as well as famous in young people.youg ...
capital punishment verses life imprisonment for murderer
MurtazaMurderer is someone who kills his fellow human beings for personal gains, revenge or to create disharmony in the society thus demonstrating an anti-social behavior. By this act he is breaking the norms and laws of society thus proving a ...
importance of family
MurtazaFamily means a group of people living under one roof and is intimately related to each other. This is a basic definition of family. But when we talk about the importance of family the thing that is most vital in ...
good for you
MurtazaGood for you is often used by our elders and well wishers when they are making a decision, providing us some advice or giving useful suggestions. For me good for you is to stay happy, focused and relaxed. Enjoy the ...
why people get angry?
MurtazaGetting angry is natural. Everyone has his own thresh hold level after which he turns himself to a wild beast that cannot be controlled by reasons and logic alone. On many occasions I have experienced people in this state of ...
we all have to worry
MurtazaThe statement is quite true as this is natural for everyone to get worried. In other words we all have to face the stress. When stress exceeds beyond a certain level then it hampers our problem solving abilities and make ...
important event of life
MurtazaFor me important events are those that shape our life and provide a new dimension to our existing world. They can be academic, personal or relating to our family. For me the most important event in my life was when ...
extra curricular activities
MurtazaAnything other than the curriculum or studies is extracurricular. They can be broadly classified as in door and outdoor activities. I prefer chess, watching television and surfing net as in door activities and playing cricket and going to gym in ...
smoking cigars
MurtazaSmoking cigars and cigarettes is one of the biggest social evil of our society that is particularly affecting our youth. What make people go for this? This can be due to peer pressure, relieving stress and frustration or may be ...
i know everything
MurtazaFor me this statement does no good to you except on only one occasion! Hmm… what is that golden moment? When you are just appearing in an exam to make you feel good, relax and confident. Actually this is a ...
what am i thinking?
MurtazaAt the moment I am thinking about my future and I am hoping against hope that things do run a predictable course though this never happen and that makes this world a very interesting and exciting world to live. I ...
how to help others
MurtazaThe thing that makes us quite different and superior to other species of this universe is to help and assist our fellow human beings. This task can be accomplished by various means depending upon the individual preferences but broadly this ...
cheese omelets
ammarCheese omelette is simple and delicious for an aspiring cook,Cheese omelette is easily make able.the Ingredients are fallowing , 2 eggs,two table spoon of Milk and miner salt quantity,medium size pan, Sun flower oil and Shredded cheese.making process ,Eggs min ...
How would you spend $50,000?
ayeshaI would like to spend $50,000 for shopping and develop my own software house. Furthermore, I would like to profoundly work on orphan children’s institute .They get free education in this institute and fulfill the basic requirements (cloth, food etc) ...
puppy adoption
MurtazaPuppy adoption means getting a puppy from an animal shelter, general rescuer or breed specific rescuer. Puppy adoption requires several steps first of all you must make a decision that you really want a pet and if so then whether ...
Boy dies and 17 in hospital as UK floods crisis deepens
HamzaA seven years old boy has died and 17people have been treated in hospital after falling unwell at flooded crisis deepens in chertsey,surrey, as britain,s flooding crises deepens The death of Zane Gbangbola came as Forecasters warned that high winds ...
1984 golden temple attack
MurtazaThe operation blue star is the name given to the attack done by the Indian armed forces on the golden temple to catch Jarmil Singh Bhandrwala under the orders of Andhra Gandhi. The man was accused of storing weapons in ...
International federation for human rights
MurtazaIt is a nonprofit non government organization established in 1920 it works globally and has 178 sub organizations in more than hundred countries of the world. Its motto is “keep your eyes open”. Its main objectives are to create awareness ...
I have wasted my entire life
MurtazaThe statement shows depression frustration and regret on part of an individual who perhaps has not been able to use his time and redirect his resources in the right manner. It can also be from an individual who has suffered ...
world best doughnuts
MurtazaThe world best doughnuts can be enjoyed in America. Basically doughnut is a sweet dish which is usually served with coffee and in prepared in bakery. Many bakers do add various substances in there finished products to make them unique ...
this is a mistake
MurtazaThis is a mistake. It is just a 4 word sentence but I believe it is one of the most important things in our life. Let me explain this for you. Sometimes we win and sometimes we don’t. Everyday cannot ...
learning a foreign language
MurtazaLearning a foreign language is certainly a hard nut to crack. But there are certain tips that can help us in this odious task. First is conversation it is the most important step in any language study, nothing can substitute ...
why do people want to live in other countries
MurtazaThis is problem most commonly seen in under developed countries as there are limited opportunities to flourish as a professional due to lack of avenues for quality education & good jobs. Higher inflation rate deteriorating value of local currency & ...
why titanic sink
HamzaThe jakobshavn Glacier in the south_west of greenland which is believed to have produced an iceberg that sank the titanic in 1912,is now the fastest moving glacier in the world as a result of a rapid increase in the rate ...
I want more
Murtazaman is greedy by nature he is always hankering after more and this greed keeps him worried and anxious throughout his entire life. thus the statement i want more is some what negative in this sense. but remember their is ...
I want more
Murtazaman is greedy by nature he is always hankering after more and this greed keeps him worried and anxious throughout his entire life. thus the statement i want more is some what negative in this sense. but remember their is ...
exile or death
Murtazaexile means to be forced out of one s’ country, state or home with the threat of death or punishment if one tries to return. it can be of various types it can be internal, external, refugee or self induced. ...
My IELTS Preparation Problem
umairI have been preparing for the IELTS, but I have failed to comprehend the reason for not moving in the right direction. I relish going out, but the whole notion of being confined to a room to cram ideas is ...
My IELTS Preparation Problem
umairI have been preparing for the IELTS, but I have failed to comprehend the reason for not moving in the right direction. I relish going out, but the whole notion of being confined to a room to cram ideas is ...
how to help the people
kamranTheir are many wasys to help the people,If any one in trouble we just go to himself and ask the cause of his trouble, if cause of the people are needing of money. we help out through give or lent ...
why do childern love zoo
kamranChild age is the time period innocence and loving nature, They knew nothing they love and like every attractive thing, and animals are the nature most attractive creature in this world. Childern were gonig to zoo. They loved animals and ...
What makes you strong
kamranDetermination and struggle is the main thing which make me stronger. I never loss my any work. when i was reading in primary school my determination is to going in the graduate. Now i achive my goal and now made ...
Samsng Smart Phones
kamranToday is going to mobilization war in the mobile companies. sumsang purchase the patients of andriod system with the collaboration of google. They made an agreement of ten years to run the andriod system solely. Samsung company is clever they ...
learn more
kamranlife is not only to live and do work and eat food. But is more than these life is to learn evertime everthing, Human being always learnt somethng from in every sphire of the age. In the childhood they learnt ...
World of luxury
MurtazaLuxury is considered something essential for life but is more related to comfort. Everyone enjoys a number of luxuries in his daily life but the real concept lies in the fact that whether we realize this truth or not.Making oneself ...